COVID-19 Policies
During any school year, we are committed to ensuring the safety and health, both physical and social-emotional, of the children in our care. This is especially important now, during the COVID-19 pandemic. Our implemented policies are outlined below.
Transitioning to School in September
This year, in lieu of home visits, we have planned for an alternative way to prepare our students for the new school year. Children are invited to visit our classroom, one at a time, with one adult to see the space where they would be spending the school year. Additionally, we are hosting a Shabbat sing-along and story time in Central Park. Adults are required to wear masks during these activities.
Masks and Social Distancing
Children are required to wear masks in the classroom and during our off-site outdoor play/excursions. We know this is not easy for all children, so we look to our families to partner with us in this endeavor. Yaldaynu does not require the children nor teachers to remain at least 6 feet apart from one another during the school day.
All Yaldaynu staff are required to wear masks at all times during the school day, in or out of the building. Parents and caregivers must wear masks during the arrival and dismissal process, which happens outdoors for the 2021-22 school year, as well as outdoor school events.
There are staggered arrival and dismissal times to prevent crowding during morning drop-offs and afternoon pick-ups. The children's temperature is read. Then, upon entering the building, children use hand sanitizer. Once they will place their belongings in their cubbies, children wash their hands with soap and water before entering the classroom.
In the mornings, the arrival procedure involves three steps:
Completing the mandatory daily questionnaire: This questionnaire provides us with information related to the child(ren)’s health.
Temperature checks: Every morning a Yaldaynu staff member takes the child(ren)’s temperature. Children with a temperature over 100℉ are not allowed to enter the school building/ stay at school.
Contactless Sign-In through a mobile phone app.
In the afternoons, families use the same contactless system to sign-out.
Cleaning and Sanitizing
Our school space and materials are cleaned daily. Additionally, classroom tables and materials are sanitized throughout the day with a bleach and water solution. The teachers are intentional with the materials that are available to children and have removed difficult to clean items (i.e., all cloth and fabric items).
The classrooms have HEPA air purifiers.